Saturday, June 30, 2012

Boston Red Sox Jerseys see the bodyguards outside the police

Once the guy is hiding, To find out kill probably not as directly to the Yamaguchi-gumi, the general offensive launched easier. But in terms of the car in the yard or the number of bodyguards, these guys should we say in the fishes is a conspiracy, deliberately leaked the news lead me to?
But I switched to another thought, no, if the conspiracy should be after the move, but to the entire headquarters to clean out what transactions have not seen the Yamaguchi-gumi. Could it be that these guys actually will suddenly disappear? Puzzling me when the distance again came to the chirping of the police car. More than a trip to listen to the sound, it seems we had the first withdrawal.
I have ordered are not willing to: withdraw.
And then reach for the binoculars watching the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters around and want to see these guys is not to escape from the hole in the ground. Special troops to retreat as the attack in an organized and efficient, with my command,Boston Red Sox Jerseys, each group quickly in accordance with established routes to leave the headquarters of the Yamaguchi-gumi.
Looked at the night in the courtyard, I suddenly heart of a dynamic order: place hidden.
If the underground passage or chamber of the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters, then these guys will come out sooner or later, if we withdraw is likely to miss these big fish in the net. I gently exhaled breath, re-ported to the telescope.
Fast to the police car, a dozen police cars, less than three minutes after the withdrawal of my door to the courtyard surrounded packed, more than 30 police officers began to panic a search from the site. I do not know too miserable scene is not in the yard, and several police officers turned and began to vomit.
At this point, the headquarters of the small building's door suddenly appeared a Yamaguchi-gumi's bodyguards. As can be seen from intense look, he was out snooping situation. I could not help but curse the one, these bastards are really hiding, and now only hope that they can police go out.
But things tend to backfire, see the bodyguards outside the police, Fan Shen into the floor, After a child, more than 20 people one after another came out. Through the yard of the light from the telescope can clearly see the face of these people, the target even in the intelligence nor lack.
The police seem very familiar with these guys,authentic mlb jerseys, even is the bow and nod, simply do not put these people away look. Seeing these people have on the car is clearly intended to take advantage of the presence of the police get out of here. I gritted his teeth, even if there is one hundred police presence I can not let such a good opportunity, so I categorically ordered the special forces return immediately, and will shoot to kill all the people present.
As just a replica, the four special forces quickly return to near the door, attached to play a few small burst at the door of the police to get rid of a few remaining hurried back into the yard. Other special forces have been sneak into the fence, turns per person three grenade and threw it to the yard.
Large yard, but this intensive hands thunderstorm or small. The sound of explosions all other voices are completely swept under the carpet, in addition to the face from dying to see the look of fear, even scream not coming out. Ranging from I commanded the special forces who had climbed over the wall, began to sweep the battlefield.
Just burst days to shake the earth like an explosion in the courtyard of the people, even if not

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